The Practice of Receiving I am actually a huge proponent of sharing, and I believe deeply in the words I have heard from OER researcher, David Wiley: "Knowledge worth knowing is worth sharing." In a recent article by Stephen Downes (2022), he writes about the "Seven Habits of Highly Connected People." One of these is to "Share." He advises readers not to pull back from sharing because they might be worried about someone else benefitting from their hard work. "The way to function in a connected world is to share without thinking about what you will get in return. It is to share without worrying about so-called “free-riders” or people taking advantage of your work." Your good work in sharing will come back around to benefit you, according to Downes. But I am just a little bit hesitant. Many of my higher education colleagues come from ethnic and cultural groups that have been marginalized. "Erasure" is a real thing. T...