Academic echo chambers “Twitter makes smart people dumb,” tweeted George Siemens. Siemens is reflecting on the fact that algorithms based on retweets make our networks more and more homogenous, and our language is limited to 140 characters and conversation bytes. He is also throwing out argument bait to elicit counter-discourse, in my opinion. Or he is just privileged and arrogant calling his colleagues dumb, some of whom find a voice and self-positioning with social media that they would not find otherwise. Sherrie Spelic took the bait, indicating that she was annoyed by both his baiting and his apparent arrogance. She replied on her blog that Twitter does not have that kind of control over us, and that she is “nobody’s version of dumb.” Spelic is making the point that with some amount of effort and a general mindset of growth, we need not dismiss the forum altogether. An article from Science in conjunction with Facebook shows that users actually cu...